Delivering a Better Agent Experience to Drive a Better Customer Experience

Delivering a Better Agent Experience to Drive a Better Customer Experience

Portrait of a man at a presentation labeled "uniphore: standards for the new customer contact performance 2021" discussing insights to drive enhanced customer experience.

Customer experience is most often the no. 1 strategic priority of executives and the current pandemic has made that a bigger priority. However, delivering a better customer experience strategy requires a commitment to improve agent performance and productivity, thus delivering a better agent experience.

At the New Standards for Customer Contact Performance watch Jafar H Syed, Chief Growth Officer of Uniphore, sharing his insights on delivering a better agent experience to drive a better customer experience. Here you will understand how AI can drive a better agent experience both during the call as well as post call. Learn about the typical use cases where AI and automation can have a positive impact on agent experience.

Key takeaways from the session

Table of Contents

