Uniphore Support SLAs

Standard Support Terms

Uniphore Technical Support will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve all issues relating to the ongoing use of Uniphore products for our customers. Uniphore Technical Support will leverage the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources available in this effort. Uniphore Technical Support Team is comprised of three Support Levels; Support Service Desk, Technical Support Engineers, and Escalation Engineers. All issues and inquiries should be reported through the Uniphore Technical Support channels (Customer Portal, Email or Phone).

Note that this policy does not cover third-party services, products, or technology, which are subject to the support commitments offered by the applicable third-party provider.

SLA Exclusions:

Uniphore’s obligations hereunder are based on and subject to the Customer: (i) complying with the terms and conditions of the Uniphore Agreement, including this SLA; (ii) complying with Uniphore’s instructions, if any, for performing any corrective action; and (iii) maintaining the connectivity (with acceptable bandwidth) of the Customer’s workstations to the main Internet (iv) creating and maintaining firewall definitions and opening required ports that permit access to the Program and in instances where the Uniphore services are deployed fully or partially on-premises and/or hosted outside of Uniphore’s Cloud.

The following shall not be considered within the definition or calculation of Downtime and shall be deemed SLA Exclusions: (i) Scheduled Maintenance; (ii) Program unavailability that is attributable to: (a) causes beyond Uniphore’ reasonable control, such as a force major event, or the performance of any third party hosting provider, communications or internet service provider, Customer’s services upgrades and updates provided by any third party; (b) Customer’s failure to perform any obligation under the Uniphore Agreement that affects the performance of the Program; (c) any actions or omissions of the Customer or any third party acting on its behalf; and/or (d) Customer’s or any third party’s equipment or software; (iv) Program unavailability caused by the suspension and termination of Customer’s right to use the Program in accordance with the Agreement; each (each an “SLA Exclusion”); (iii) Program backup in instances where the Uniphore services are deployed fully or partially on-premises and/or hosted outside of Uniphore’s Cloud.

Service Levels terminology definitions:

Severity Level represents the degree of impact or urgency assigned to an incident, problem or service request. It helps the Uniphore Technical Support Team prioritize and address issues based on their criticality. Uniphore categorizes Severity Levels as Sev 1 (critical), Sev 2 (high), Sev 3 (medium) and Sev 4 (low).

Severity Level Definition refers to Uniphore’s adherence to the severity level definitions and entitlements that will guide the customer self-classify when engaging with the Uniphore Technical Support Team, further information is outlined in the table below.

Initial Response Time represents the time of the first engagement from when an incident has been submitted/reported by Uniphore’s Customers (or its representative) to the time when the Uniphore Technical Support team has made contact regarding the issue/query reported in the incident.

Communication Commitments refer to agreed-upon guidelines and expectations regarding how and when communication will occur between the service provider and the customer. This includes details about reporting issues, updates on incident resolution progress, and any other relevant communication related to the services covered by the SLA. These commitments help maintain transparency and keep all of Uniphore’s Customers informed throughout the service progress.

Recommended Request Processes & Channels outlines the preferred methods and channels for initiating service requests/incidents and therefore facilitating communication between the Uniphore Technical Support Team service provider and the customer. Uniphore provides a range of communication channels to its Customer’s convenience, including Customer Portal (preferable method), Email Support, Phone Support and Live Chat.

Please note that this SLA’s severities are established considering all type of infrastructure for Uniphore’s Customers deployments.

The following table outlines the objectives that Uniphore strives to achieve to respond to submitted cases based on their case Severity Level. 

Service Levels

Severity Level Severity Level Definition Uniphore Initial Response Time Communication Commitments Recommended Request Process
Sev 1
  • The Problem causes complete outage including complete loss of service/recording and/or all licenses).
  • The Problem is a blocker to deployment.
  • Work cannot reasonably continue as the feature or function does not allow completion of work and its operation is mission critical to the business.
  • A vulnerability which can be publicly exploitable and known to closed user group or to public (including loss of PCI suppression).
  • A customer reported breach of data from the customer's environment.
  • Customer data leakage due to Uniphore security breach.
  • Ransomware/DDOS/Malware attack in Uniphore environment which compromises confidentiality, integrity, or availability of customer data.
  • Unable to export audio or data to agreed 3rd party or strategic partner application.
  • Quantify range only - the Problem caused Network Storage backlog to be >80% full.
1 hour

90% of issues responded to in one hour or less during primary coverage. We are targeting a 90% compliance rate that every issue will be responded to in one hour or less during primary coverage.
  • If the problem has not been solved within one (1) hour, Uniphore will escalate the problem to the appropriate Uniphore workstream. The escalated problem will have a higher priority than ongoing development or operations initiatives
  • Regular communications will occur every 2 hours during business regular business hours as defined above.
Phone call

Additional details will be requested either through email or online ticketing system.
Sev 2
  • The problem causes important loss of service. A major software function is experiencing a reproducible problem that causes a major inconvenience to the Customer.
  • An acceptable workaround may or may not be available, however, operation can continue in a restricted fashion.
  • The current release should be patched if a permanent workaround cannot be found, and the next release is not imminent.
  • A vulnerability that impacts our products, and ease of exploitability is high.
  • When the Problem is triggering the usage of existing resilient system setup (e.g. collector failover).
  • Quantify range only - the Problem caused Network Storage backlog to be 50%-80% full.
2 hours
  • If the problem has not been resolved within four (4) hours, Customer may request that Uniphore escalate the problem to the appropriate Uniphore workstream where the escalated problem will have higher priority than ongoing development or operations initiatives.
  • Communications on the status will occur daily.
Phone call
Sev 3
  • The Problem causes a minor loss of service or is a minor error.
  • The impact of the Problem is an inconvenience that may require a workaround to restore functionality or performance.
  • The impact of the Problem is a minor error, incorrect behavior, or a documentation error that does not impede the operation of a system.
  • A vulnerability that has some exploitability probability and requires more information gathering to assess the impact.
  • Any reported security incident that requires further investigation to assess impact.
24 Business hour
  • Communications will occur every three (3) business days until resolved.
Phone call
Sev 4
  • Adding features or functionality to the platform.
  • An incident with minimal or negligible impact to the system(s), organization(s) or infrastructure and does not result in any loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information.
3 Business Days Depending on the complexity of the requested added functionality, a meeting to discuss more details may be necessary to determine timelines. Phone call


Uniphore periodically adds, repairs, and upgrades its hosted services and their assets where applicable, most of these activities will not affect Customers’ usage of the determined services except for minor interruptions that are not different than what is expected during standard failure events in production. Uniphore shall use its best efforts to accomplish this without affecting the Customer’s access to any Software and their respective functionality; however, repairs of an emergency or critical nature may result in the service not being available for the Customer’s usage during such repairs.

Uniphore Cloud (X-Platform)

Uniphore reserves the right to periodically update its Cloud Software and Cloud Software Platforms, including maintenance activities, to align with evolving business needs and to update new features. When maintenance activities will affect Uniphore’s Customer use of the services, Uniphore will endeavor to provide up to one week advance notice for the Customer’s account. Such maintenance activities will also occur during the following maintenance window times:

Platform Location Schedule
India Monday, 11.30 PM - Tuesday 01.30 AM IST
Australia Tuesday, 1.30 AM - 3.30 AM AEST (Monday, 09.00 PM - 11.30 PM IST)
US Monday 07.00 PM - 12.00 AM PT (Tuesday, 7.30AM - 12.30 PM IST)
Wednesday 07.00 PM - 12.00 AM PT (Thursday, 7.30AM - 12.30 PM IST)
EU Wednesday, 4 AM – 7 AM GMT (Wedndesday, 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM IST)
UK Wednesday, 4 AM – 7 AM GMT (Wednesday, 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM IST)
Singapore Tuesday, 11:00 PM – 01:00 AM SGT (Tuesday, 08.30 PM – 10.30 PM IST)
UAE Tuesday, 12.30AM – 02.30AM GST (Tuesday, 02:00 AM – 04:00 AM IST)

On rare occasions, it may be necessary to conduct emergency or unscheduled maintenance activities. In these cases, we will give as much advance notice as possible through the distribution list provided by the Customer.


Uniphore reserves the right to take down the server(s) at the data center to conduct routine maintenance to both software and hardware according to the following protocols.

Item Description Commitment
Standard Maintenance Window Weds: 9pm to 1 am
Sun: 9am to 1pm
Scheduled Maintenance Routine, scheduled maintenance will be performed inside the maintenance window A message will be displayed on the main site stating Uniphore will be down.
Non-Scheduled/Emergency Maintenance May be performed outside the maintenance window and will be counted as unscheduled downtime. Customer will be notified immediately.

A message will be displayed on the main site stating Uniphore will be down.

Support Discontinuance (on premise deployments only):

Uniphore agrees to support any given version of the Licensed Product for 12 months as of its official release, regardless of the Customer’s decision to upgrade to the new version or not upon the availability of such upgrade.

Limitation of the SLA

The SLA expressly excludes the following:

  • Training;
  • Installation, configuration and technical support for Customer equipment or operating systems;
  • Technical support, consultation, or problem resolution pertaining to software applications other than those supplied by Uniphore and described in this Agreement;
  • Resolution of problems resulting from negligence of the system user. Including specifically the incorrect data entry, the use of altered data or source code and the failure to use the Software according to the instructions provided in the user guide;
  • Support for development, integration, and custom reports, whether developed by the Customer or any party other than Uniphore;
  • Any alterations or additions, performed by parties other than Uniphore, except for programs using product interfaces provided by Uniphore;
  • Use of the Software on an Operating Environment other than that for which such Software was designed, except as expressly prescribed in the user guide;
  • Maintenance and support for non-production environments and sandboxes;
  • Data migration;

If the Customer requires that a member of Uniphore’s staff provide services pertaining to any of the above exclusions which are not included as part of the SLA, Uniphore can create a project with our Professional Services organization’s support.